Tag Archives: farmer’s market

Kitchener and St. Jacob’s Markets – Part 2: To market, to market

St. Jacob's Farmers' Market
St. Jacob’s Farmers’ Market

With a long weekend coming up, we decided to plan a low-key trip someplace close. Our trip ended up being an odd blend of childhood memories and grown up relaxation.

We decided to check out the Kitchener Market, which I haven’t been to in about 20 years. To be totally honest, I thought that it and the St. Jacob’s Farmers’ Market were the same thing for a long time. St. Jacob’s seems to be the market that more tourists flock to, and it came highly recommended, so I thought it was time I went.

We managed to fit both markets in a single Saturday.

Continue reading Kitchener and St. Jacob’s Markets – Part 2: To market, to market

Kitchener and St. Jacob’s Markets – Part 1: A blast from my past

St. Jacob's Market - Steph

I remember waking up while it was still dark out, and being bundled up in the back of a van to go to “the market”.

My Opi (a colloquialism based on the German word for Grandpa, Opa) and Mr. Little would be in the front, sometimes talking but most often quiet. I would have a goodie bag in my clutches, full of treats (ahem – SUGAR) to keep me alive for the trip.

We were on our way to the Kitchener Farmers’ Market.

Continue reading Kitchener and St. Jacob’s Markets – Part 1: A blast from my past

Market Mayhem: A Trip To St. Lawrence Market (Part 1)

St. LawrenceMkt Steph

This past weekend, we took a trip to one of our favourite markets – St. Lawrence Market, in Toronto. We had a chance to pick up some of our “usual fare”, and took some pics while we were at it. Future posts will detail some of the specific finds there, such as Kozlik’s mustard and the fantastic selection of seafood. For now, we’d like to bring you a quick zip through the market, on a cold, cold Saturday.

We came home with armloads of greatness…
