Don’t mistake this for a post featuring expert tips on how to can. In this adventure – like in many of my adventures – I am the uninitiated.
This is the story of my initiation into the strange and dangerous world of home canning.
A few months back, there was a canning challenge on Daring Kitchen. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I didn’t really want to try it on my own, just reading instructions. That didn’t sound like much fun. The most fun way to learn is to have someone show you in person – and the best person I could think to show me how to can was my MIL.
Of course, I forgot all about that until this weekend.

We went to visit the in-laws, and found their house totally overrun with tomatoes! I happily offered to take some off of their hands, when my MIL suggested that we peel and can some so that I can use them later in the year. I go through SO MANY cans of tomatoes in the Winter that this sounded like the best offer ever.
I got to learn how to prepare and can tomatoes.

It was actually pretty easy, and the time went by really fast with the two of us working at the same time (as well as chatting, and waiting for water to boil). I managed to come home with 7 big jars of tomatoes, ready for my fall and winter enjoyment. I’m totally prepared to make tomato sauce, chili, seitan paprikash, and stuff I’ve never even heard of that I will magically discover this year. Sweet!